
Prime Minister Receives Environmental Experts


 Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received today “For Sustainable Human Development” NGO President Karine Danielyan, Chief Specialist of NAS Institute of Economics, Doctor of Geological Sciences Hrachia Avagyan, “Environmental Lawyers and Economists Youth Association” President Eric Grigoryan and AUA “Hakobyan Environmental Center” and “Responsible Mining Center” President Alain Amirkhanyan, who had the authority to introduce the problems raised by environmental activists during the Responsible Mining Conference held in Yerevan of March 25-26.

During a constructive and productive dialogue, the parties discussed the burning issues featuring on the conference agenda. Tigran Sargsyan stressed that the government was eager and willing to discuss all the issues of mutual interest. Stating that the Yerevan conference on responsible mining had been a success, the parties welcomed the adopted format of dialogue.

The guests introduced the environmental activists’ concerns and suggestions. After listening to them, the Prime Minister suggested formulating a priority-based agenda in order to discuss the matters in a Government-NGOs format.

It was agreed that the environmental activists will introduce an agenda and a format acceptable to them.

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