
One more park is to be improved in Nor Nork district


 In 2014 the number of well-arranged parks of the capital is to be replenished with another one-the park located near Guy avenue and Water World park. In October, 2013 the Council of Elders of Yerevan approved of the proposal submitted by the RPA faction member Hovhannes Tokmajyan regarding the improvement and landscaping of the area of 5.637 hectares in Nor Nork administrative district. Within the frames of the program of complex improvement it is planned to construct an amphitheater, a green labyrinth and nice alleys. The monuments and already existed constructions of the park are to be cleaned and repaired. Bowers of light construction, children’s playgrounds, a tennis court as well as a decorative fountain and drinking water fountains are to be placed to provide full recreation of the townspeople and the guests of the capital. The reconstructed park will be also adapted for the people with motion disorders. No trees will be cut down during the realization of the project, moreover, additional tree planting and landscaping activities are to be organized. The draft estimate documentation of the improvement and landscaping of the park is being prepared by University of Architecture and Construction as a gift for the community.

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