
Today the seventh anniversary of the death of Andranik Margaryan is marked


 Today in Komitas City Pantheon-Park a tribute was paid to the memory of the RA former Prime Minister, national political figure Andranik Margaryan. His friends, relatives, representatives of the legislative and executive bodies at the head of the RA Prime Minister, RPA Vice President Tigran Sargsyan and the NA President, RPA Vice President Hovik Abrahamyan visited Komitas Pantheon. Andranik Margaryan (June 12, 1951 – March 25, 2007) was a political figure, RA Prime minister (2000-2007), RPA President. From 1967 to 1972 studied at Technical Cybernetics Department of Yerevan Polytechnic Institute, he was qualified as a Computer Engineer. From 1972 to 1974 worked as a science fellow, later senior engineer in Yerevan Branch of Union Scientific Research Institute of Gas Industry, 1978-79 - Head of Electronic Computer Division in Electric-Technical Factory, 1979-90- Head of Electronics Division in Republican Information-Computer Center at Ministry of Trade, 1990-94 - Head of Information Division in National Department for Special Programs, 1994-95 - Junior Science Fellow in State Engineering University of Armenia, 1995-99 - Member of the First Convention of the National Assembly. From 1999 Member of the National Assembly, Head of "Unity" Faction. 2000-2007 Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia. After the 2003 elections, Prime Minister A. Margaryan remained in office and headed the Coalition Government formed as a result of the elections. He was engaged in politics since 1965. From 1968, a member of the National United Party that operated illegally during Soviet times. A member of the NUP Board since 1973. Criticized the totalitarian Soviet system, defended the Armenian Cause, and expressed a vision for the future of the Armenian people in a democratic and independent state. Was arrested in 1974 and convicted to two years of imprisonment for the ideas he disseminated and the activities he conducted. Starting from 1992, a member of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA), which was the first party registered in the Republic of Armenia, inheriting the ideology of the National United Party. From 1993 to 1997, Chairman of the Board of the RPA. Chairman of the RPA from 1997 to 1999. Re-elected as Chairman of the Board in 1999. A member of the "Yerkrapah" Volunteer Union (YVU) since 1996; later, a member of the YVU board.

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