
Government Takes Steps To Prevent Natural Disasters Technical Requirements To Be Established In Environmental Field


 The Government passed a decision allocating about 51 million drams to develop design estimate documentation of priority measures aimed at preventing flooding in Aragatsotn, Ararat, Gegharkunik, Lori, Kotayk, Syunik regions.

The list of the actions scheduled for implementation in 2014, was developed by a working group consisting of specialists from the ministries of Agriculture and Emergency Situations based on the findings of field surveys.

The development and implementation of activities for the prevention of flood disasters, mitigation and reduction of potential damage has been a policy priority for the government since 2007. The present decision will lead to the preparation of design and estimate documents to prevent floods on the rivers Araks, Kasakh, Gegharkunik, Gavaraget, Hrazdan, Kavart, Hovvajur in Brnakot and Verishen.

The Cabinet meeting made another decision approving an action plan for the planning of technical regulations, under which draft laws on amendments and additions to four laws will be submitted to the Government during this year. The bills seek to add provisions on the Government’s terms of reference regarding the approval of technical conditions and/or rules. In this way, a legal basis will be up for establishing technical requirements in the field of nature protection.

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