
Mayor Taron Margaryan received the delegation of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China


 The issues related to cooperation programs between Yerevan and Beijing were discussed during the meeting of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan with the members of the delegation of the Communist Party of the People’s Republic of China.
Stressing the high level of Armenian-Chinese relation Mayor Taron Margaryan said that the programs of cooperation being carried out between the capitals of the two countries are very important.
"It’s notable that within the scope of Armenian-Chinese a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the two capital which had become the first treaty signed between the cities of Armenia and China. I am sure that the cooperation will be expanded including various spheres of urban economy. Cooperation exchange as well as concrete programs will be carried out within the frames of cooperation", stressed Taron Margaryan and expressed hope that the cooperation will be established with other cities of China as well.
Having expressed gratitude for warm welcome the head of the delegation of the Communist Party of the PRC Zhou Li expressed willingness to promote expansion of business ties between the two capitals.
"We also attach importance to the expansion of relations with Yerevan and I assure you, Mister mayor, that we’ll do our best to facilitate cooperation between Yerevan and other cities of China. The progress in Yerevan is obvious and I am sure that we have big potential for bilateral cooperation", said Zhou Li.
Stressing the importance of of experience exchange in the sphere of urban economy management and having thanked for the willingness to cooperate the mayor of Yerevan outlined the main directions which can promote cooperation expansion. "From the point of view of city development it’s very important to establish and expand cooperation with highly-developed countries. So we are open for cooperation and are ready to discuss concrete offers", stressed Taron Margaryan.

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