
The festive events in the capital start on December 17


 The events of the New Year celebration in the capital are going to start on December 17 with the first open-air concert and a symbolic event when Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan will solemnly turn on the lights on the main New Year tree of the capital and the illumination in the city, together with the lights on all the new Year Trees in the central squares of the administrative districts; all this will be followed by a big firework in Republic square.
Festive decoration activities are going on in all the administrative districts. "The New Year Trees, the symbol of the New Year, are being placed in the central parts of each administrative district. The height of these fir-trees is 12 meters and like the main fir-tree of the Republic, they are decorated with toys and diode lights", said the head of the Department of External Design and Advertisement of the Municipality of Yerevan Araz Baghdasaryan.
The height of the main New Year Tree is 32 meters, it has been formed from 6000 pine branches which had been brought from marzes after sanitary pruning. The main New Year Tree will be decorated with about 500 toys and 38000 LED lamps. The tree will get its final look on December 17.
Decorative illumination will provide festive look of Yerevan. The illumination will be installed in more than 50 central streets of the administrative districts. More than 300 trees will be illuminated in all the administrative districts and this is one of the novelties of this year. Some buildings, objects and transport means in the center will get special decoration. According to Araz Baghdasaryan, there will also be some surprises in decorative solutions.
Some surprises are also expected among the festive events. According to the head of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Municipality of Yerevan Kamo Movsesyan, from December 17 till January 13, besides big festive events, there will also be organized small-scale measures in all the administrative districts, central squares. Kamo Movsesyan presented the list of the big events.
"After December 17, when the Mayor has turned on the festive illumination of Yerevan, big festive events will start in accordance with the days. Various events including a children’s concert have provided for in Republic square”, said Kamo Movsesyan. Besides the festive events New Year performances will start in all the theaters subordinated to the Municipality since December 25.
The head of the Department of Culture and Tourism also informed that the competition for getting permission for embodying the festive characters which accompany every event has started since December 11. Those who want to participate in the competition are to check in applying to the department.
Besides the festive events, a New Year fair is held. With this aim a special decoration will be provided in North avenue where besides traditional illumination and decorative elements, pavilions provided for the fair will be placed. The New Year fair works since December 11 till January 13 and it will give everybody the opportunity to do shopping and enjoy festive music and have a good time.
"The fair is arranged due to the cooperation with the private sector. The participants are all those companies which are ready to sell the products mentioned in the special list: they are mainly items symbolizing the New Year", said the head of the Department of External Design and Advertisement Araz Baghdasaryan.
By the way, On December 20-29 the markets of agricultural products will work in Mashtots avenue and in the square at the junction of Komitas avenue and Kasyan streets.
Araz Baghdasaryan also noted that a competition for best festive decoration will be held to encourage the economic entities, educational and cultural establishments and the residents of the capital.
The information on the timetable of holding the festive events will be regularly given by the Municipality by different sources of information.

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