
The Mayor of Yerevan had a meeting with the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Mikhail Mokretsov.
Greeting the guest Mayor Taron Margaryan attaching particular importance to the friendly and business relations between Yerevan and the cities of the Russian Federation stressed that from this point of view the centuries-old friendship of the Armenian and Russian people is really exemplary.
"Due to joint efforts of the two cities the relationship between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg are on a firm basis today. The cooperation between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg is developing today within the frames of 2011-2014 cooperation program and taking into account the coordinated and effective work of the working groups of both parties I am sure that we will put into life all the programs we have outlined. I am also confident that this meeting will give a new quality to the process of implementation of constructive programs between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg", stressed Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude for warm reception the vice-Governor of Saint Petersburg Mikhail Mokretsov stressed that the relationship with Yerevan had always been important and perspective for Saint Petersburg. "I'd like to assure you, Mister Mayor, that Yerevan is dear to us not only as a friendly city but also as a partner, and we highly appreciate those purposeful approaches of constructive partnership, which are obviously shown by you and this way we make our bilateral mutually beneficial relations even stronger", said Mikhail Mokretsov.
During the meeting the parties discussed the issues related to the activities to be carried out within the frame of the cooperation program signed between Yerevan and Saint Petersburg.

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