
Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan has been awarded with the highest order of the Union of Armenians of Russia


 The official delegation of the Municipality of Yerevan headed by Mayor Taron Margaryan was present at the event dedicated to the Day of Armenian letters organized by joint efforts of the Union of Armenians of Russia and the moscow government within the frames of Yerevan Days in Moscow.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the RA to the RF Oleg Yesayan, the president of the Union of Armenians of Russia Ara Abrahamyan, members of the Moscow Government as well as representatives of the Armenian community were present at the event.
Within the frames of the festive event the Armenian and Russian young people presented the history of the creation of Armenian letters, a film telling about Mesrop Mashtots was shown. The party was accompanied with a concert program during which the audience had the opportunity to listen to Armenian music-compositions by Arno Babajanyan, Aram Khachatryan, Komitas and so on.
The representative of the Moscow Government, conveying the greeting adress of the Mayor Sergey Sobyanin said that the celebration of the Day of Armenian letters not only enriches the literatural and cultural life of Moscow but also will become anpther memorable page in the chronicle of Armenian and Russian relations. By the way, in accordance with the decision made by the Moscow Government, from this year on the Day of Armenian letters will be marked in Moscow as a citywide holiday.
Within the scope of the event the president of the Union of Armenian of Russia Ara Abrahamyan awarded the mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan with the highest award of the Union-the order and stressed that both at his office of the Mayor of Yerevan and before it Taron Margaryan had always shown active support in theissue of putting into lefe various initiatives of the Union.
Ara Abrahamyan also noted that very few people were able to deserve this high reward within the 14-year-old history of the Union.
Expressing gratitude for the appreciation mayor Taron Margaryan stressed that he will go on supporting all the initiatives of the Union which contribute to the regulation of the problems of Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora.
Besides, the Mayor also thanked Ara Abrahamyan for proper organization and holding of the event dedicated to the Armenian letters within the frames of the Yerevan Days in Moscow.
"I'd like to thank the Mayor of Moscow and the Government for showing active support in the organization of the event. This fact evidences once again that our friend-state has really special treatment to our state and appreciates everything which is of particular value for us", stressed Taron Margaryan.

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