
RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets with the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of the Federal Republic of Brazil Henrique Eduardo Alves


On November 20 in the capital Brazil the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan met with the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of the Federal Republic of Brazil Henrique Eduardo Alves.

Welcoming the NA President and thanking him for accepting his invitation to arrive in Brazil on an official visit Mr Alves highly assessed the current level of the friendly relations of the two countries and expressed conviction that the NA President’s official visit to Brazil would be a new impetus for the development of bilateral cooperation in different spheres. In deepening of inter-state relations the President of the Chamber of Deputies reserved a big role to the inter-parliamentary relations. In this context he deemed important the bilateral contacts and the cooperation of the Friendship Groups.

Thanking Mr Alves on behalf of the delegation and him for the warm reception Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that warm relations exist between Armenia and Brazil based on the traditional friendship of the two peoples. In his word, the establishment of the closer relations between Armenia and Brazil will give wide opportunity of multilateral cooperation between our two countries. The NA President has noted that in the development of bilateral relations considerable role is reserved to the inter-parliamentary relations and has expressed conviction that the NA President’s first official visit to Brazil will promote the deepening of cooperation. Mr Abrahamyan touched upon the draft petition on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict submitted by the two deputies of the Lower Chamber of the National Congress and noted that it, unfortunately was reflecting the Azerbaijani distorted pictures on the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and was contradicting the position of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries having the only international mandate of the conflict settlement. On this occasion he thanked Mr Alves for responding his letter, not seriously treating the Azerbaijani regular provocation, and not entering the draft resolution into the agenda.

Henrique Alves expressed deep regret that similar draft resolution was put into circulation and stressed that the authorities of Brazil adopted neutral position in the NK problem settlement and they support the OSCE Minsk Group.

During the talk other issues of bilateral interest were also discussed.

Hovik Abrahamyan invited Henrique Alves to Armenia on an official visit: the invitation was gladly accepted.

After the official meeting the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan and the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the National Congress of the Federal Republic of Brazil Henrique Alves signed a protocol of cooperation between the two parliaments, according to which within the framework of their parliamentary authorities the sides will promote the development of cooperation in the social, political, economic, scientific, technological, cultural and other spheres. They will cooperate in the direction of ratification of the signed treaties between the Republic of Armenia and the Federal Republic of Brazil, they will promote the establishment of interactive ties between the two legislative bodies to get acquainted with each other’s legislative activities and to exchange experience, they will encourage the rapprochement of relations at the level of Friendship Groups to boost the development of inter-parliamentary relations.

The NA President left a note in the Book of Honourable Guests and accompanied by Enrique Alves took a tour in the Chamber of Deputies, he had been in the Session Hall. 

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