
Taron Margaryan instructed to present suggestions for including some programs providing free movement of the disabled in the budget of 2014


 During the current working conference Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan referring to the problem of free movement of the people with disability first of all instructed to send notifications to all the structures developing their activities in the capital requiring adjustment of the structures managed by them to the people with disabilities. The Mayor noted that new urban development projects could be confirmed only in case of meeting the norms of free movement of people with diabilities. Besides, Taron Margaryan instructed to present suggestions of including some projects providing free movement of the disabled in the community budget of 2014.
՞We have announced many times that the problems of the people with disabilities are at our permanent focus. At least within the two recent years we disbursed appropriate means particularly for construction of wheel chair trucks, and this is unprecedented. No money had even been disbursed in a separate line for this aim. But we don’t consider it enough, so we should go on using this approach and try to adjust the streets, sidewalks, public objects and other places to the citizens with diabilities. We must try to adjust some buses to movement of diabled people in 2014. Besides, we are going to include the condition of providing free movement of the disabled in any urban development project՞, stressed Taron Margaryan.
The head of the department of Building and Construction reported that the overhauling and repairing of the asphalt cover is going on and coming to its final stage by the program of 2013. Taron Margaryan instructed to form a working group and study the quality of the work done. It was reported that the construction of the motorways connecting Leningradyan-Isakov and Ulnetsi-Rubinyants streets is going on. Particularly regarding the latter it was noted that it is at the final stage and is going to be put into operation in the nearest future.
The head of the Department of Nature Protection reported that autumn tree planting is still going on in the capital and within its frames 15 thousand trees and bushes had already been planted. It was also reported that sanitary pruning of dry and damaged trees is being carried out.
With the aim of prevention of the cases of cutting down trees the Mayor instructed to set tight control and apply strict punishment of violators in accordance with the determined law.
՞The organization of tree planting is certainly a very important for the expansion of green areas in the capital, but at the same time strict control should be set to exclude the cases of cutting down, and the violators shoud be subjected to responsibility. Besides, while giving building development permissions first of all study the area and exclude giving any construction development in green areas՞, stressed Mayor Taron Margaryan.
Referring to the problem of the balconies requiring urgent repairing the Mayor instructed to go on inventory of the most dangerous balconies and include them in the next year’s programs.
Regarding the attraction of the private sector in winter preparation activities it was instructed to take corresponding action. With this aim all economic entities will be sent notifications. It was also instructed to make arrangements with the private building companies to include their machinery in snow cleaning activities.
The Chief Designer of Yerevan reported that decoration activities in yard areas planned for 2013 had been finished. On the whole, 234 yards had been deorated with the total surface of 11990 sq m in comparison with 190 yards decorated the previous year. To include decoration activities in 2014 plans ir was instructed to carry out corresponding inventory in the yards of blocks of flats and private areas.
Regarding starting the period of heating in educational establishments it was instructed to carry out corresponding observations and inspections to provide proper temperature in all establishments.

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