
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the Day of social worker


 Respectable workers of the sphere of social welfare

I heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday, the Day of social worker. Nowadays your work is becoming more and more important and appreciated as you deal with the most sensitive layers of population.
Veterans of the great Patriotic War and Artsakh War, families of the fallen, people with disabilities, orphans and families with many children, elderly people and anyone who needs support-all they need your care and assistance.
On this occasion I'd like to thank you for responsible attitude to your really difficult work and for your efforts aimed at the improvement of the social state of our compatriots.
I assure you that the programs directed at the improvement of social state of the population is at the permanent focus of the attention of the Municipality and personally mine, and year after year we pay more attention and direct more means to the improvement of the sphere. I am sure that with worthy work and high professional qualities, with the same kindness and caring treatment you will go on carrying out your mission for the benefit of your beneficiaries and formation of social solidarity in the society.
I wish health, welfare and success to you and your families.

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