
Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the delegation headed by the Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the members of the delegation headed by the Senator-Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin arrived in Yerevan with an official visit. The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of France to the RA Henri Reynaud was also present at the meeting.
Greeting the guests Taron Margaryan once again thanked them for accepting the invitation and stressing the present-day high level of the Armenian-French relations emphasized the importance of development of friendship and partnership between Yerevan and Marseille which are based on the friendship between the two countries and their people. The Mayor also expressed confidence that that the refreshed agreement to be signed will promote strengthening and development of the present cooperation in concrete spheres.
"The format of our many-year cooperation with Marseille is based on firm ground and out mutual visits witness to it. Some days ago, during the 2nd conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation in Valence I noted with delight that the format of our cooperation with Marseille is successful and perspective. I'd like to express particular gratitude to the support and attention shown regarding the Armenian community of Marseille, as this is very important for us. In 2012, during our visit to Marseille with the aim of participation in the celebrations dedicated to 20th anniversary of friendship and cooperation between our cities, we were impressed with your city and warm reception. I am sure you will return to Marseille full of good impressions of Yerevan", stressed Taron Margaryan.
Expressing gratitude on behalf of the delegation for warm reception the Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin in his turn said that this visit and the agreements made within its frames will highly benefit further development of cooperation between the two cities.
"Yerevan is our best partner, and the cooperation expansion is important for us. I am heartily happy to be here. By the way, I have already had a tour round Yerevan and I want to state that your ancient city is really beautiful and makes pleasant impression. After my previous visit to Yerevan it has changed for the better. Today it is a developed city and I see your caring attitude and efforts in this, mister Mayor, so let me congratulate you and express my gratitude for this", said Jean-Claude Gaudin and added that the new cooperation agreement will give the opportunity to deepen and strengthen the partnership between the two cities.

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