
The cooperation agreement between Yerevan and Marseille has been signed


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan and the Senator-Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin signed the cooperation agreement between Yerevan and Marseille according to which the parties are obliged to deepen and strengthen their relationship. Signing of this agreement aims at ensuring of the continuity of the cooperation agreement signed in 1992 and re-signed in 2001 and 2007.
By the signed agreement information and experience exchange will be carried out between the two cities in the spheres which have the most important significance in the process of development of any city. Particularly, mutually beneficial projects will be implemented in the spheres of culture, economy and tourism, education, social, health, engineering and urban development management and in some other spheres as well.
"Today we are here by the invitation of the Mayor of Yerevan and I am glad to be Yerevan. The members of our delegation represent various spheres and we all have come to Yerevan with pleasure. Today we have signed the new cooperation agreement with which we start new cooperation and strengthen the friendship existing between our two peoples", said the Senator-Mayor of Marseille Jean-Claude Gaudin.
The Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan expressed confidence that in a short time, within the frames of the signed agreement the parties will proudly present the new results of cooperation.
"With the signed agreement we have refreshed the spheres of existing cooperation between the two cities. Yerevan and Marseille have been cooperating for 21 years and we have reached results not only in words but in practice as well. The two cities have big achievements and I am sure that due to this agreement we will be able to expand the frames of cooperation, which in its turn will be useful to the residents of the two cities.
Taking the opportunity I’d like to thank our Armenian community in Marseille for this cooperation for it plays a big role in the issue of partnership development between the two cities.
With this agreement the centuries-old friendship between our peoples will become stronger and we will be able to put in life all the programs we have outlined", stressed the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan.

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