
Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Mayor of Lyon


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan who visited France with the aim of participation in the conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation had a meeting with the Mayor of Lyon Gerard Colomb.
Greeting the guests Gerard Colomb highly appreciating the present level of Armenian-French relations said that the current conference proves once again the importance of these relations. He also noted that the partnership between the communities of the two cities gradually becoming wider and more strengthened in their turn prove that Armenia and France are interested in deepening the ties between the two cities. Assessing the present partnership between Yerevan and Lyon as a model Gerard Colomb noted that they have significant perspectives for development and assured that Lyon is willing to deepen the bilateral mutually beneficial partnership between the two cities within the frames of the present program of cooperation.
Expressing gratitude for warm welcome and the willingness to strengthen the bilateral relations Mayor Taron Margaryan in his turn stated that Yerevan and Lyon have serious potential for cooperation development and assured that the Municipality of Yerevan is also interested in deepening the relations. Taking the opportunity Taron Margaryan once again restated his official invitation of Gerard Colomb to Yerevan to mark the 20th anniversary of friendship between the two cities.

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