
An official reception in the municipality of Lyon


 An official reception for the participants of the second conference of the Armenian-French Decentralized Cooperation was organized in the City Hall of Lyon.
Within the frames of the reception Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan performed his greeting speech in which he first of all thanked Mayor Gerard Colomb for hosting the participants appreciating it as an obvious proof of the close cooperation existing between Yerevan and Lyon.
“Our partnership with Lyon has 20-year-ol history which is the best evidence of our strong ties. We attach importance to the development of cooperation with the cities and regions of France in all directions and I am sure all my colleagues arrived from Armenia share this opinion. The coming conference is another good opportunity to gather with partners, discuss the issues of mutual interest, and to summarize and assess the work done as well as to plan new projects. In the context of decentralized cooperation I highly appreciate the friendship and partnership formed between Yerevan and Lyon in the course of time and why not, I consider them a model to follow”, said Taron Margaryan.
Presenting the joint programs implemented in various spheres of urban economy within recent 20 years Mayor Taron Margaryan also added that the cooperation between Yerevan and Lyon is now being implemented within the three-year cooperation program which clearly outlines the spheres of cooperation, the persons in charge and the schedule of implementation.
“In the context of high level of Armenian-French relationship the decentralized cooperation between our cities and regions gets a special importance. And I am sure that due to our will and targeted activities we will manage to find and form the ways and models of cooperation:, stressed Taron Margaryan and thanked once again the Mayor of Lyon Gerard Colomb for the reception.

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