
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on Librarians’ Day


 Dear workers of the library system

Let me heartily congratulate all of you on your professional holiday, the Librarians' Day.
Our people have treated books and literature with special care for ages. This love sometimes even became a cult and being handed down to generations reached the present days. Today, due to your devoted work this love is preserved and enriched with new beautiful traditions contributing this way to the development of the system.
Owing to you the love for book and reading is still awake among the younger generation in spite of technical progress and modern technologies. The truth is that the educated generation can't be bad. And in this regard your mission is invaluable in the issue of upbringing a worthy generation.
Congratulating all of you on the event once again I wish you and your families strong health, love and peace.

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