
Gevorg Kostanyan is Appointed RA Prosecutor General


On October 1 the RA National Assembly resumed the work of the four-day sitting. At the beginning of the sitting the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan congratulated the representatives of the senior generation on the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons: “In the name of the National Assembly I congratulate the representatives of senior generation, who do not only have their weighty contribution to our victories and achievements, but also continue to have their contribution to the state and public life. Let us congratulate and wish them health, long life and welfare.”

The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan informed his colleagues that in the morning a closed-door sitting of the NA Standing Committee on State and Legal Affairs had been held, where the draft decision on the RA President’s recommendation “On Announcing Amnesty on the 22nd Anniversary of Declaration of the RA Independence.”

Then the parliament continued the debate of the issue interrupted on the previous day, listening to the positions of the NA factions on Gevorg Kostanyan’s candidacy nominated for the candidate of the RA Prosecutor General.

The Head of the Heritage faction Rubik Hakobyan said that the faction had positive attitude towards the person nominated as candidate, but he will vote against him.

The Secretary of the ARF faction Aghvan Vardanyan noticed that the faction had met with Gevorg Kostanyan, and they had debated the problems existing in the system and touched upon the necessity of the reforms.

The Secretary of the ANC faction Aram Manukyan referred to negative phenomena existing in the system of justice, non-revealed criminal cases sent to the European Court. In his word, the faction will vote against his candidacy.

The Head of the RPA faction introduced the positive stance of the faction. He noted that he had noticed positive attitude towards the candidate.

The RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan delivered an extraordinary speech on the issue under debate.

Turning to his counterparts the NA President touched upon the structures appointed by the parliament, Parliament-Prosecutor’s Office relations. Hovik Abrahamyan has said that the National Assembly appoints the Defender of Human Rights, who at the NA sitting presents a report on his activity during the previous year and human rights and fundamental freedoms in the country, the body regulating the public services too, whom appoints the RA President submits to the National Assembly the programme of its activity for the next year. The Control Chamber submits to the parliament an annual report during the three months not late than the end of the fiscal year, which is debated in the NA without making a decision. The Central Bank sends to the NA the monetary-credit policy programme approved during the first three months of the current year.

Mr Abrahamyan documented that in accordance with the RA laws “NA Rules of Procedure” and “On Prosecutor’s Office,” the Prosecutor General had always submitted to the National Assembly a report in written form. Hovik Abrahamyan noted with satisfaction that candidate for Prosecutor General had also expressed his positive attitude about the proposal of submitting a report at the sitting of the National Assembly. The Head of the parliament underlined that during the debates in general, there was no serious negative substantiation about the candidate for the Prosecutor General. Hovik Abrahamyan noted that in future there would be amendments and specifications in the laws. In Hovik Abrahamyan’s word the strengthening of public trust towards the law enforcement bodies is important. To his conviction, everybody should be equal before law. The Head of the parliament expressed confidence that in case of being appointed by the NA the Prosecutor General will implement positive changes in the system with his work.

The candidate for the RA Prosecutor General Gevorg Kostanyan in his final speech touched upon the sounded views and questions and gave clarifications. Under the Rules of Procedure a secret ballot was held.

The Chairman of the NA Accounting Committee Sukias Avetisyan said that 108 deputies had participated in the secret ballot. 103 deputies voted for, 3 deputies voted against Gevorg Kostanyan’s candidacy and 2 ballot papers were recognized invalid.

As a result of voting the RA Prosecutor General was appointed Gevorg Kostanyan.

The parliament touched upon the next item, the RA President’s recommendation “On Announcing Amnesty on the 22nd Anniversary of Declaration of the RA Independence.”

The key reporter, the RA Minister of Justice Hrayr Tovmasyan said that RA President’s recommendation on implementing amnesty will be spread on the persons condemned not for committing grave crimes.

The decision will be entered into force towards the persons who had committed crime until September 1, 2013.

The Deputy Chairman of the NA Head Committee on State and Legal Affairs Hovhannes Sahakyan presented the endorsement of the Committee.

The NA deputies addressed questions to the key reporter and made proposals. The debate of the issue will continue at October 2 NA sitting.

The last hour of the sitting, in accordance with the NA Rules of Procedure, was allotted to the deputies’ announcements. 

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