
Autumn tree planting in the capital will start on November 1


 Repairing of the porches and roofs of the blocks of flats within the frames of the Municipality programs of 2013 has already been over. According to the program, 68387 sq m of flat roofs and 48550 sq m of slope roofs have been improved. Within the frames of the Municipality-administrative district-condominium joint project about 1190 porches have been improved. All this was reported during the regular working conference. Mayor Taron Margaryan assigned the persons in charge of the sphere to show complex approach to the issue of porch repairing by the program provided for 2014. “In the programs of 2014 together with condominiums we must take steps to provide repairing not only of porches but all the stairwells of all the floors as well», said Taron Margaryan.
The Mayor also added that the following year the Municipality would go on supporting the condominiums in the issue of solving the problems of flocks of flats.


It was reported that as a result of purchasing processes arranged by the municipality subordinated organizations more than AMD 953million had been saved, and as a result of purchases organized by the Municipality and the administrative districts AMD 1 milliard 19 million had been saved. The mayor instructed to perform regular awareness of the public about the savings.
The head of the Department of External Design and Advertisement reported that the process of dismantling of big and medium advertisement boards in the small center of the capital started on September 23 was going on in accordance with the determined schedule. By the end of the year about 106 advertisement boards will have been dismantled. “This principle should be used in the big center of the capital and in the whole city in general so that we could gradually get rid of those ads which upset the architectural look of Yerevan», said Taron Margaryan.
Within the frames of the programs of the Municipality of Yerevan provided for 2013 construction of seven new overground crossings, asphalting and improvement activities are going on in accordance with the determined schedule. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to finish the process of gas supplying in the blocks of flats in the 16th quarter by the end of the year. It was also instructed to finish the process energy, gas and water supplying going on in Nor Kharberd quarter at full speed. "By this program we actually solve the problems the residents had been facing for more than 40 years. Arrange the process so that the residents of Nor Kharberd quarter bring in the New Year with all infrastructures provided", stressed Taron Margaryan.
It was instructed to set everyday control over prevention of illegal constructions land plot occupation as well as regarding elimination of their consequences. Mayor Taron Magaryan once again stressed that the position of the Municipality regarding illegality prevention is firm. “ The population should be regularly informed about the processes of dismantling and this way people will be aware that any illegal construction initiated by residents or legal entity will be surely dismantled and the violator will be subjected to responsibility in accordance with the determined order”, said Taron Margaryan.
In parallel with yard improvement in the capital the process of decoration is going on. It was reported that within the program started at the beginning of the year decoration has already been over in 230 yards. Taking into account favourable weather conditions it was instructed to carry on the process. In 2012 decoration activities were fulfilled in 190 yards.
Regarding the competition announced with the aim of choosing the organizations engaged in regular passenger transportation in Yerevan by public vehicles it was reported that no applications had been submitted yet. The Mayor instructed to present regular information on the arrangement of the completion for 34 itineraries scheduled for October 17.
It was also reported that corresponding activities are carried out in the direction of organization of the conference of the mayors of the capitals of the countries-members of the European Council to be held in Yerevan on October 10-12. Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to send invitation to participate in the conference to the factions of the Council of Elders.
The leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” faction Tamara Poghosyan who was present at the conference thanked for the invitation and said that the faction will certainly participate in the conference work.
The head of the department of Nature Protection reported that this year autumn tree planting will start since November 1 and go on till November 25. It is planned to plant about 20 thousand trees in the capital. The mayor instructed the corresponding structures of the Municipality and the administrative districts to ensure participation of condominiums and the residents in tree planting as well as inform the interested departments and organizations properly so that the process could be implemented more purposefully.

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