
Указами Президента Сержа Саргсяна по случаю 22-й годовщины провозглашения независимости Республики Армения ряд представителей сфер науки, образования, здравоохранения, экономики, искусства и


 Dear compatriots

I heartily congratulate you on the anniversary of independence of the Republic of Armenia.
On this day 22 years ago realization of centuries-old wishes of the Armenian people and the restoration of historical justice was started, and our people initiated the process of its own statehood foundation, strengthening and development. Overcoming the hardships f the first years of independence today we stand steadily among the countries which have chosen the way of democracy. To have the country of our dreams we still have a lot to do, all of us and each of us, as having a powerful and prosperous country is our common wish. Our people with its centuries-old history proved that they are able to overcome any hardship, and I am certain that eventually we will have the strong and flourishing homeland we are dreaming of.
Congratulating on the most important holiday for our country, on the Day of Independence, I wish all of us peace and creative work for the sake of the safe future of our country and future generations.

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