
Yerevan Mayor had a meeting with the delegation of the state assembly of California and the Los-Angeles City Council


 Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the delegation of the USA State Assembly of California and the Los-Angeles City Council.
Expressing gratitude for the visit of Mayor Taron Margaryan introduced the guests his attitudes in the issue of Yerevan development, the potential of investment spheres of urban economy and suggested taking steps toward the activation of the agreement on declaration Yerevan and Los-Angeles sister-cities in 2007.
"We expect cooperation between Yerevan and Los-Angeles in various spheres-cultural, educational and generally in all directions of urban economy management and why not, investment cooperation. The cooperation between the Municipality of Yerevan and the private sector is quite wide and the results are noticeable. I think, the existence of the numerous Armenian community in Los Angeles will promote formation of successful and mutually beneficial cooperation between the two cities”, said Taron Margaryan.
The Mayor of Yerevan offered to form a working group which will provide uninterrupted ties for cooperation activation.
Paul Krkoryan representing the City Council of LA greeted the proposal of Mayor Taron Margaryan to form a working group which will aim at taking visible steps toward cooperation and added that besides the cooperation in urban economy management, they see perspectives for cooperation in high technology environment of Yerevan as well as between the universities of the two cities.
We strive to activate the agreement between Los-Angeles and Yerevan, too. We hope that this visit will promote making the relationships tighter, will become a good stimulus for business cooperation between the two cities, let me convey you the greetings and best regards of Los-Angeles mayor Mr Eric Garsetti as well as to inform you about his intention to visit Yerevan. I think before your meeting we will have taken noticeable steps aimed at our cooperation», said Paul Krkoryan.

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