
The statue of Hrant Matevosyan has been opened


 By the initiative of the Mayor of Yerevan a statue of the prominent Armenian writer and publicist Hrant Matevosyan was opened in the yard of the school bearing his name. The honour of the solemn opening of the statue was given to Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan and the son of Hrant Matevosyan David Matevosyan.
The author of the sculpture is the RA Honorary Art Worker, sculptor Artashes Hovsepyan.
The members of the writer's family and a number of guests appreciating his art were present at the event.
In his greeting speech addressed to those present the Deputy Mayor Aram Sukiasyan stressed that having a statue of Hrant Matevosyan who has become the symbol of national essence and attitude in the yard of the school bearing his name was a necessity. "We are glad that this work of art created by prominent sculptor Artashes Hovsepyan has been placed in the school yard. It was a necessity to place the statue of the writer of such quality, who symbolizes the national spirit and conscience was placed in the school yard staying here to prompt, to urge and to show us the way. The greatness of Hrant Matevosyan is measured by his works and his authority in the world. And we certainly should follow the example of the writer’s attitudes, positions and his unique kind”, stressed Aram Sukiasyan.
Mayor Taron Margaryan accompanied by the pupils of the school familiarized himself with the pictures drawn in Matevosyan’s spirit and with the traditional Armenian samples displayed both inside and outside the school.

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