
The address of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan on the event of the Day of Knowledge


 Dear schoolchildren, teachers and parents

I’d like to congratulate all of you on the event of the Day of Knowledge..
Education, school and knowledge in general have always had a special significance in our thousands-year-old history. The Armenian people has always had particular respect and caring attitude towards school and teachers. Regardless historical period, political situation striving for knowledge and education has always guided our people. Today knowledge and education are still the most important precondition for the progress of the mankind and the development of our country. Well-educated society is the best guarantee for the tomorrow of any country, for its bright future thus each of us is responsible for the process of creation of an educated, developed, patriotic society.
Dear teachers and parents, first of all I want to thank you for educating and upbringing of honourable citizens of our country, for doing this difficult and responsible work with dignity.
Dear schoolchildren, I congratulate all of you once again. I am sure that with the success you have in your study you will strengthen our future welfare and have your direct active participation in the process of creation a better Yerevan.

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