


 President Serzh Sargsyan visited today the Ministry of Education and Science, observed working conditions, conversed with the employees. Later he held a meeting with the leadership of the Ministry – Deputy Ministers, Chief of Staff, Directors of the Departments and specialized Divisions. The President of Armenia discussed with them problems existing in the area, the ongoing activities, including the reformation process, inquired about the future actions to be taken in the context of the policy pertinent to the area of education, and preparative works for the upcoming academic year. After the Minister of Education and Science, Deputy Ministers and the Chief of Staff presented their reports, Serzh Sargsyan asked them a number of questions and expressed readiness to answer all questions raised by the participants of the meeting which might relate not only to the area of education and science but also to the internal and foreign policy of the Republic, existing challenges and achievements, geopolitical issues and our country’s security.

The President informed that in coming months he will be visiting Ministries and agencies and will conduct similar meetings with the leadership of these state bodies. “I believe it would be right that our top officials learn from me personally all answers related to our country’s development, my opinion, approaches regarding political processes and my assessment of certain events,” the President of Armenia said.

Before that, on the occasion of the Day of Knowledge and commencement of a new academic year, the President congratulated all teachers, schoolchildren and students of the Republic and their parents and wished them every success. Serzh Sargsyan underscored that their success determines future developments in our country. Speaking about yesterday’s meeting at the Presidential Palace with the medal winning graduates of high schools, winners of the international science Olympiads, Kangaroo competition and medal winners of the Student Games, the President of Armenia stressed once again that education and science in our country are priorities, not less important than our armed forces.

At the meeting with the leadership of the Ministry of Education and Science, President Serzh Sargsyan spoke about the improvement of working conditions at the Ministry and its structures, state programs aimed at the resolution of social problems, training of high class and at the same time patriotic professionals in our country and with this regard anticipations from those responsible for this area.

“I believe you already know that beginning 2014 we are switching to the working style of the annual increase of wages, if it can be called that way. And we will increase not only the minimal wage but also salaries. In 2017, we will reach the level of 90,000 AMD minimal wages. At this point I may not recall the exact figure for a leading specialist or a head of division salary, but I can state with confidence that starting from January 1, 2014, a leading specialist in the ministry will be getting monthly 200,000-280,000 AMD, depending on the length of service. We are talking gross salary here, and I believe it is quite natural that it will be augmented by bonuses which come from economizing, which are always present. We are also increasing the social packages, i.e. in 2018 we have to get to a salary level which will allow a state employee to provide for the minimal needs of his or her family. There are different programs, for instance, the housing improvement program for civil servants or state employees in general; programs which are similar to those which we are doing currently for the different groups of young people. It means that housing will be provided through very good, much lower than the market price and favorable loan conditions. We have already introduced medical insurance; however it must made available to all state and civil service employees. There are other programs too. Nevertheless this is not an end in itself. We must be able to use resources efficiently, that is to say if we are increasing funds for the technical re-equipment or implementation of the programs, on one hand we should be able to accomplish more with those funds, on the other hand the technical re-equipment and increased salary of a state employee or a teacher must yield results in preparing competitive professionals. I believe we have a lot of work in this area,” the President of Armenia said.

The President responded to multiple questions on different topics raised by the leadership of the Ministry which related to our country’s security, defense, development of the military and industrial complex, establishment of a civil society in Armenia and democracy processes, introduction of scientific achievements to our economy in the context of the state-private sector cooperation, issues of internal and foreign policy.

At the conclusion of the meeting, President Serzh Sargsyan awarded the employees of the Ministry of Education and Science Jasmena Araratian and Zhenya Ghasabian with the Presidential Letters of Commendation and congratulated one of the employees on the occasion of the birthday anniversary.

In the Ministry, the President observed the exhibition of the graduation works of the Yerevan Panos Terlemizian Art College graduates of the 2012-2013 academic year.

The Minister of Education and Science Armen Ashotian presented to Serzh Sargsyan the «Scenery» painting of Samvel Gevorkian, a graduate of the College.

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