
Medical posts will be opened in two living quarters of the capital where there are no policlinics


 Deputy Mayor of Yerevan David Ohanayan conducted a working conference with the directors of 22 policlinics subordinated to the Municipality of Yerevan. The issues related to the quality increase of medical services rendered to the population and to structural reforms were discussed during the conference.
First of all David Ohanyan thanked the directors of the policlinics on behalf of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan for proper organization of the free medical action carried out within “Yerevan summer” project. The Deputy Mayor noted that up to now no complaints or dissatisfaction responds had been received within the action. The action lasts till August 31 inclusive but those who had been checked in the list within this period and referred for operation will be served free of charge.
The directors of the policlinics were assigned on behalf of the Mayor of Yerevan to provide medical posts in schools with all necessary first-aid materials and medicines. David Ohanyan informed that taking action on the applications received from the residents of Shengavit and Kanaker Zeitun districts medical posts will be functioning from this time on in Nerkin Charbakh quarter of Shengavit and in Kanaker quarter of Kanaker Zeitun districts.
Referring to the working conditions and services of policlinics the Deputy Mayor of Yerevan said that they would also be at the focus of attention of the city authorities as the Municipality adopted the policy of gradual reforms in the sphere which was fixed in the pre-election program of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan.
Everything will be done to improve policlinics and ensure high-quality servicing there. To improve the facilities of the buildings of policlinics, as well as to get technical re-equipment a cooperation with private companies will be developed. Regarding the defects noted by the Deputy Mayor during his visits to policlinics instructions were given on spot. At the same time David Ohanyan urges the directors of policlinics to perform coordinated and caring work for as the primary medical link the services rendered by them must satisfy all the residents of Yerevan.

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