
The activities directed at forest restoration are going on


 During the regular working conference it was reported that on the instruction of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan everyday control is going on over the obligatory improvement and sanitary cleaning of the public areas surrounding entities. In this regard, as a result of the inspections carried out the previous week 142 entities which hadn't met their obligations were disciplined. The Fist Deputy Mayor Kamo Areyan who chaired the conference instructed to carry on tight control over keeping the norms established by the decision of the Council of Elders of Yerevan and to ensure proper improvement and landscaping of the areas surrounding the entities.
The head of the Department of Trade and Services reported that different necessary measures were taken to exclude illegal money collection in the parking places working in the capital. Taking into account the requirements of the legislation and the corresponding decision of the Council of Elders it has been instructed to make the joint control with the Police stronger to exclude illegal actions.
Regarding landscaping and installation of irrigation systems going on in the capital the head of the Department of Nature Protection reported that testing of the irrigation networks in Arshakunyants avenue, "Haghtanak" park and "Paros" forest zone as well as re-operation of the pump station at Teryan 62 had been over. Within the frames of restoration of forest zones initiated by Mayor Taron Margaryan it has been instructed to submit draft estimates of the restoration of the area adjacent to «Yerablur» Pantheon and «Paros» forest zone in possibly short time. It has been instructed to take necessary steps to prevent and exclude possible cases of tree falling in the capital.
Referring to the process of completing the working groups with new employees formed to make the landscaping more active it was reported that the previous week landscaping companies hires 6 people living in the temporary shelter for homeless people by the Municipality program.
The head of the Department of Communal Services reported that the process of placing notice-boards in the blocks of flats had been over. To prevent cases of damaging the notice-boards placed in lively places by some unconscientious residents it has been instructed to set control and punish those guilty by the order established by law.
Referring to "A cleaner Yerevan" project initiated by Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan it was reported that sanitary cleaning had been organized the previous week in the area of "Karmir Blur" reserve in Shengavit district. The head of the Department of Communal Services reported that this week such activities are scheduled for the area of the historical-archaeological reserve-museum "Erebuni".

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