
It has been instructed to set tight control over the organization of asphalting


 During the regular working conference Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan referring to the asphalting activities being fulfilled in the capital, assigned the persons in charge to set tight control over the process and urge the contractors to arrange the process properly so that no inconvenience was created for the population.
"In this issue it's necessary to be strict and consistent so that the work could be finished as fast as possible and the regular traffic wasn’t hindered. If necessary the asphalting process should be arranged at evening time so as not to create traffic jams in busy streets and no extra inconvenience was created for the population", stressed Mayor Taron Margaryan and instructed to apply the same principle to "Yerevan jur", "Yerevan Gas", "Electricity line of Armenia" and "ArmenTel" companies when they have to wreck the asphalt cover to eliminate some technical damages.
Regarding dismantling of the advertisement boards not corresponding the RA law "On advertising" the head of the Department of External Design and Advertisement reported that this month more than 3 thousand advertisement boards not satisfying the requirement of the law have been dismantled. Everyday work is carried out to exclude their further using. It was also reported that in accordance with the law "On advertising", those ads in foreign languages which are confirmed by the institute of mental property or internationally registered trademarks are not subjected to dismantling.
Regarding the new system installed to exclude illegal money collection at car parking places and to provide comfortable parking for drivers Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to negotiate with the organization recognized winner in the competition and go on informing the population about the new system for another month taking into account that many residents are away on holidays and may be unaware of the process.
The head of the Department of Transport reported that the permanent observation carried out over the quality of transportation is going on. In this regard it was mentioned that 26 records had been drawn up for parking in undetermined places, 8 records had been drawn up for the cases of drivers’ smoking while driving and 4 cases of unsatisfactory look of the vehicles had been recorded too.
In this context mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to control the process of meeting their obligations by transport entities regarding providing the proper quality of servicing.
"We should be stricter and more consistent to provide high quality of services, particularly regarding the determined timetable and ensuring the necessary number of vehicles at evening time. We should exclude transportation of more persons than it is determined for the mini-buses. In the nearest future we will discuss the possibility of organization of the experimental program of installation of unified tickets for community transportation means", said Mayor Taron Margaryan.
Regarding obligatory improvement and sanitary cleaning of the public areas surrounding their objects by entities the mayor instructed to pay special attention to it and provide improvement and landscaping of the areas adjacent to educational, health and cultural establishments.
Regarding the activities carried out in the direction of providing the proper sanitary conditions at the markets of agricultural products it was reported that inspections had been carried out and corresponding steps had been taken. It was instructed to go on the control and keep the situation at permanent focus.
In the approach of the new academic year, referring to the process of providing schoolchildren with school books Taron Margaryan instructed to keep the process under control to exclude cases of selling books or writing materials in schools.

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