
More than 50 cultural, educational and other establishments are being repaired in Yerevan


 By the annual program of the Municipality of Yerevan for 2013 renovation and overhauling activities are being carried out in 54 cultural, medical, educational and out-of-school establishments 28 of which are pre-schooling educational ones.
The establishments were included in the annual program in accordance with the assessment of the priority of the necessity for repairing. The priority was given to those buildings which have problems with roofs, then to those with urgent sewage and lavatory problems.
16 libraries subordinated to the Municipality were included in the program in accordance with the determined criteria.
Within the frames of the organization of heating installation in some cultural and health establishments new windows and doors are being placed and other thermo-insulation activities are being carried out, as well as installation and expansion of heating systems are going on.
The program of heating supply also includes the historical and archaeological reserve-museum «Erebuni» and the museum after K. Demirchyan.
The 2013 annual program of repairing the cultural, medical, educational and out-of-school establishments also includes 4 musical schools, 2 policlinics, 2 cultural objects- cultural center «HayArt» and the cultural center in Nor Nork.

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