
RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Receives the Representatives of the New South Wales Parliament and the Armenian National Committee of Australia


On July 15 the President of the RA National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan received the representatives of the New South Wales Parliament and the Armenian National Committee.

Welcoming the guests the NA President has noted that Armenia highlights the deepening and strengthening of the relations with the countries of the Pacific Ocean Region, and particularly, with Australia in bilateral and multilateral formats. In his word, during the recent years the Armenian-Australian political relations record considerable activation and good preconditions exist for the further development and deepening of bilateral relations. Hovik Abrahamyan deemed necessary in the development of the inner-state relations the activation of inter-parliamentary cooperation and the activities of the friendship groups.

The NA President Hovik Abrahamyan thanked the attendees and all the members of the New South Wales Parliament, due to whose efforts the resolution on 1915 Armenian Genocide was adopted, as well as the government for showing valuable support to the process of the Armenian Genocide recognition. He also expressed his gratitude to the legislative body for recognition of the independence of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic on October 25 and the right of self-determination of its Armenian population. To recap, the state of the New South Wales is the biggest state, and there one third of the Australian population resides there.

Thanking for reception the Head of the delegation, the Chairman of the state’s Australian-Armenian Parliamentary Friendship Group Jonathan O’Dea highlighted the development of cooperation between Armenia and Australia, and the reinforcement in the political, economic and other directions. The activation and deepening of the inter-parliamentary relations, the cooperation of the friendship groups and the mutual visits was emphasized. The guests noted that the Parliament of the New South Wales was the first to recognize the Armenian Genocide and the right of the NKR people’s self-determination, but they will do their best to make the parliaments of other states also adopt similar resolutions. The State Parliament also applied to the central authorities, urging to recognize the right of the NKR people’s self-determination. The guests highly appreciated the role of the Armenian community and the big contribution in the political, economic and cultural life of Australia. 

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