


 President Serzh Sargsyan who is the Polish Republic on the official visit, today at the Consulate Hall of the City Hall of Zamość town met with the representatives of the Armenian-Polish community. The President of Armenia gave a speech for the participants of the meeting.

In the evening, concluding its official visit to Poland, delegation headed by President Sargsyan will return to Yerevan.


President Serzh Sargsyan’s speech at the meeting with the representatives of the Armenian-Polish community


Dear Compatriots,
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I salute you all. I am very happy to be here today in this warm atmosphere, infused with the Armenian spirit, and to meet with the representatives of the Armenian-Polish community. I am also glad that the opportunity has presented itself together with you to reassesses directly the past and present of the centuries-long Armenian-Polish friendship, and to exchange views on the issues which are important for our Motherland and the nation.

The Armenian-Polish interstate relations, particularly in recent years, have registered tangible progress and currently their level is pretty high. The Armenian-Polish community has its significant part in these relations. The history of the Armenian community of Poland dates back to the 11th century when after the fall of Ani, exiled Armenians settled in the Eastern parts of the Polish kingdom and established here their first villages.

In the 12th century, in many Polish towns the Armenian neighborhoods had already been formed while starting from the 14th century, in the reign of Casimir the Great and during the Jagiellonians along with the rise of Poland the Armenian communities started to flourish too. The warm and friendly attitude of the Poles toward the Armenians, which manifested itself from the very beginning, had been preserved later as well when thanks to Sigismund the Old in the Piotrkowie Sejm approved was the statute of the Armenians residing in the Eastern parts of the country. The Great Crown Chancellor Jan Zamoyski invited the Armenians to his native Zamość, exempt them from taxes, granted autonomy, and other privileges.

Thanks to the opportunities provided to the Armenian people in Poland, you have put your knowledge and diligence into the development of Poland’s political and social-economic life and its prosperity. You engage in the arts, trades, you work in science and become involved in the state and diplomatic service, you found you place also in the military structure and occupy your permanent space in the Polish culture. There are names which fill our hearts with pride – poet Shimon Shimonovich and artist Theodore Aksentijevic, movie director Jerzy Kavalerovich and composer Krzysztof Penderecki.

Dear Compatriots,

The wheel of history follows its course and I am glad that the historical Armenian-Polish relations anchored in good-neighborliness, mutual trust and respect received a new life and acquired the interstate nature after Armenia regained her independence. Political dialogue between Armenia and Poland has developed, the agenda of bilateral cooperation has expanded, and efficient interaction in the international structures has been formed.

I am confident that our friendship is perpetual because it is based on our peoples’ devotion to the identical values and principles. My words are substantiated by the decision adopted by the Polish Sejm on April 19, 2005 on the recognition and condemnation of the Armenian Genocide. The Armenian people have a profound feeling of gratitude toward the Polish nation which on this issue has manifested the exemplary stance.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The fate scattered the Armenian nation about the world. But no matter where Armenians live, I am confident that they are concerned with the problems of the Motherland and are inspired with each success. Patriotism is not just a feeling; first of all, it is a deed, and this ought to be realized by everyone. Each and every representative of the world-scattered Armenian nation embodies the promise of our national unity which is based on the love for Motherland. Garegin Nzhde made an apt expression, “Without patriotism our nation is like a body without the soul.” Thus, we will become more powerful through our unity, our unanimity, and our resolve to solve all-national problems.

Armenia and Spyurk are strong together, standing shoulder to shoulder. In Armenia, we feel stronger knowing that Spyurk stands behind us. I have no doubt that in the same way you feel the presence of the Republic of Armenia, the existence of your independent and free Armenia. For that very reason, I would like to urge you as a part of our nation living in Spyurk, to bring a more active participation to the resolution of pan-national issues.

We will continue our combined activities aimed at the international recognition and condemnation of the Genocide. We are approaching the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and it means that every structure and particularly the Armenian communities all over the world and the Church have things to say and to do. However, we ought to respect the memory of our victims not only through bringing to its logical conclusion our struggle for the recognition and condemnation of the Genocide, but also through the empowerment of our Motherland, through the right use of each Armenian’s talent, abilities, and connections.

Each young Armenian must master Armenian language since if a person doesn’t speak the mother tongue, he or she not only endanger one’s national identity but also as a person becomes weaker. I want you all to be knowledgeable and competitive. It will allow you to make a serious contribution to the development of the Armenian state, to its advancement.

In its turn, the Republic of Armenia must support each of you, living anywhere in the world, as proud Armenians. For instance, I will mention the activities of the Luys Foundation, which grants scholarships to the Armenian students all over the world, endowing them with the opportunity to study in the best colleges and universities of the world, ensuring Armenia’s and Armenian nation’s concurrent progression side by side with the leading countries and nations.

Today, the issue of preservation, presentation and dissemination all over the world of the cultural values of the Armenian origin has become more important than ever. Families which have been able to avoid the dangers of assimilation and are raising their children as Armenians deserve great credit. And the Armenian identity will live as long as we have our native language, our faith, and our culture.

Armenia without Spyurk and Spyurk without Armenia are inconceivable. The RA Ministry of Diaspora Affairs plays a significant role in the development of the Armenia-Spyurk relations, initiating cultural, educational and other programs which provide opportunities not only for the young people, but also for the older generation to set their feet on their native land and to ensure their participation in Armenia’s development. It means that the state will continue to ardently support strengthening of Armenia’s ties with Spyurk.

Dear Compatriots,

I urge you all to visit Armenia more frequently, observe first hand our progress, familiarize with the problems which still want solutions and share your own ideas. We are ready to hear out each of you who for the benefit of our Motherland is doing some business in Armenia, who for the benefit of our Motherland is doing some business abroad. I assure you that your visits to Armenia also promote good changes. Today, there are plenty of opportunities in our country to open businesses and get profit, and this confidence is growing by day.

Be assured that the Motherland is the axis which unites the entire nation in sorrow, in tragedy, and in triumph. I am confident that you, the Armenians of Poland will continue to register success and victories for the benefit of the Armenian nation and our Motherland.

Thank you for the warm reception.

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