
Clear timetable for motor transport movement has been determined in some overcrowded places of the capital


 During the regular working conference Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan was reported that citizens' reception was going on in the staffs of the Municipality and the administrative districts.. The previous week the significant part of the 49 and 130 issues directed by the citizens to the Municipality and administrative districts correspondingly, got appropriate solutions on spot.
The head of the Department of Control reported that the previous week 218 phone calls had been received through the hot-lines functioning in corresponding subdivisions of the City hall of Yerevan and the municipality subordinated services; 110 phone calls were received in the staffs of the administrative districts. The main part of the raised issues got corresponding solutions, the rest part is being proceeded.
Mayor Taron Margaryan, referring to the work of hot-lines stressed that due to everyday work the residents can see rapid and timely solutions to the problems raised by them. “Positive respond among our citizens is obvious. Population’s confidence is evident towards corresponding subdivisions of the administrative districts and the Municipality. This is a very important step in the direction of strengthening feedback with the population. We should go on working to make the tie more efficient”, stressed Taron Margaryan.
Regarding the final examinations in municipality subordinated schools the head of the Department of General Education reported that state final and intermediate examinations were organized in accordance with the determined order and without any obstacles. Distribution of certificates is being proceeded now.
The head of the Department of Transport reported that a number of suggestions had been made regarding temporary ceasing of transport movement in some streets with the aim of providing safe movement of pedestrians in different public recreation places. In particular, in the area adjacent to "Cascade" complex-in Isahakyan and Tamanyan streets, every day from 11.00 to 24.00 the traffic will be stopped. With this aim corresponding road signs have already been placed in the area.
The Mayor instructed to submit suggestions on using the example in corresponding places of all the administrative districts to create convenient conditions for walking for the residents and the guests of the capital.
Regarding permanent social assistance to needy Syrian Armenian families the head of the Department of Social Welfare reported that in the period from January to June more than 850 Syrian Armenian families got various support 352 of which during the recent month. The Mayor assigned to go on showing social support and keep the issues related to Syrian Armenians under permanent control.
The head of the Department of Communal Services reported that the previous week "A cleaner Yerevan" project had been started and within its frames cleaning up activities had been carried out in the Hrazdan gorge with the participation of non-governmental organizations.
Improvement of power substations and gas distribution substations is going on in the capital. Particularly, cleaning, repairing and painting is going on there.
Regarding organization of yard camps in the administrative districts the head of the Division of Children’s Rights Defence reported that from July 1 to August 28 more than 100 yard camps will be working in Yerevan performing sport and cultural and cognitive events.
Regarding the programs being implemented within Yerevan-Stepanakert cooperation the head of the Department of Foreign Relations reported that with the aim of showing technical and methodical support the specialists of Yerevan ambulance service are in Stepanakert to implement experience exchange on spot.
Taron Margaryan instructed to carry out corresponding work to ensure proper organization of Yerevan Days in Saint Petersburg to be held on July 3-5 and to represent the capital worthily.
The Mayor also instructed to carry out preparations for the organization of the congress of the mayors of the capitals of the countries-members of the European Council to be held in Yerevan on October 11.

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