PM Receives Gohar Markosian-Kasper, Estonian-Armenian Writer

Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan received famous Estonia-based writer of Armenian origin Ms. Gohar Markosian - Kasper, who is in Armenia within the framework of “Everybody goes to Yerevan” public diplomacy mission. Welcoming Ms. Markosian - Kasper to Homeland,
Tigran Sargsyan said, “You are a celebrity among Armenian readers, and we all are looking forward to new works by you."
The writer informed the Premier on the progress with the publication of her new novel and took the opportunity to brief him on her upcoming projects. The interlocutors talked about cultural developments in Armenia, especially as to how things stand in the literary field. Reference was also made of artistic trends in Armenia, Estonia and worldwide.
Gohar Markosian – Kasper is well known for her novels - “Penelope," "Helena," “Caryatides," etc. - as well as for numerous plays and stories. Her works have been translated into English, German, Estonian and other languages.