Message by the RA NA Hovik Abrahamyan on Victory and Peace Day

“Dear compatriots,
I warmly congratulate you on Victory and Peace Day.
Symbolizing our victories of different times, at the same time this holiday unites different generations, witnessing of their selfless love and devotion for all of them, steadfast spirit towards common Motherland, believing in their own forces and confidence towards future.
Before the revival of the national liberation struggle of the last century we had a generation of war veterans in the person of our hero fathers and grandfathers, who participated in the World War II and Patriotic War. At the end of the 80s of the 20th century the second generation of the veterans was born in the person of the winners of the Artsakh liberation battle, who repeated the heroism of their senior winners and again documented the invincibility of Armenian arm and the force of thought. Being against the war they were all fighting for the Motherland, for the victory and for peace, and its culmination was the liberation of Shushi.
Dear compatriots,
Our victorious achievements, all manifestations of self-devotion of yesterday’s and today’s heroes, their memories and living examples drive us to new victories. I again congratulate you on this glorious holiday, being sure and convinced that together we’ll resolutely continue to build stronger, more secure and welfare Motherland with tripartite unity of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora.”