
Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a working tour in the administrative district of Kanaker Zeitun


The working tour of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan to Kanaker Zeitun district started with the visit to building sites where the activities of yard improvement within capital development program were going on. Like in other districts in Kanaker Zeitun within the Municipality 2013 complex improvement program yards will be provided with bowers, benches, playing attractions as well as new sports equipment.
In all yard areas the responsible persons presented the Mayor the details of projects of development and ongoing activities.
The residents of the blocks at Rubinyants 4 and 4a expressed satisfaction to Mayor Taron Margaryan for initiating complex improvement of the yards used to be neglected for years. The Mayor assured the residents that in the nearest future all the yards of the capital will be comfortable and well-arranged. Taron Margaryan accompanied by the residents walked about the yards, watched the process of ongoing work.
Within the frames of complex yard improvement reconstructions are going on in the yard area at Dro 26. As the residents assured, this yard used to be uncared for years, since the Soviet years. They expressed gratitude to the Mayor for comfortable and well-arranged yards the number of which is increasing in the capital day by day, for visible changes in the external look of the capital.
Taking the opportunity the residents presented their suggestions regarding yard improvement which were on spot included in the program by the instruction of the Mayor.
"The Municipality adopted certain policy. In the issue of both construction of gardens and parks and yard improvement we always take into account the suggestions and approaches of the residents. Hearing out the their suggestions we often on spot make changes so that the results satisfy the residents and serve them. One thing is certain: everything being constructed in Yerevan now serves to provide convenience for the residents of Yerevan”, said Taron Margaryan.
The Mayor on spot instructed the head of the administrative district to be maximally consistent to find solutions to the issues raised by residents as soon as possible.
Within the scope of the visit Mayor Taron Margaryan also visited the yard at Dro 8-10 which has been put into operation recently. Instead of this brightly designed yard there used to be a deserted and uncared area.
Within the framework of the tour Taron Margaryan also watched the process of construction of a small football pitch in the yard at Paruyr Sevak ½. The responsible persons reported that in summer football loving children will have this playground provided with all necessary conditions. Various projects and measures aimed at healthy life style are also among priorities of Mayor Taron Margaryan's activity, and this year again special attention will be paid to construction of small football pitches and increasing of sports equipment in the yards.
"In 2013 we are going to put into operation 18 small football pitches. Within the last years we put into operation about 60 small pitches. The work will be long-lasting and in a few years we'll try to expand the program and this in its turn will contribute to football development and spreading. This year, in parallel with playgrounds yard areas will be provided with a lot of sports equipment and this in its turn will promote healthy life style in the capital", said Mayor Taron Margaryan.

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