
March 23 and 24 are the days of the citywide clean-up


Within the framework of the action of free medical aid “For you, women” announced from March 8 till April 7 429 women applied to polyclinics last week and 399 of them were examined in cardiologic and ophtalmologic clinics, 18 women were operated on. Since today, within the frames of the action women with gynecological problems may also apply and get corresponding free medical aid. This was reported during the regular working conference in the City Hall of Yerevan.
The head of the Department of Transport reported that the previous week another 2 mini-bus routes were replaced with bus ones. Another 32 buses imported by the private sector will serve the population.
To exclude possible obstacles in traffic occurred during rainfalls in the capital respective structures were instructed to finish in possibly short time cleaning of drainpipes.
Related to the construction of overground crossings planned in 2013 in different administrative districts Mayor Taron Margaryan instructed to carry out preparations to finish the program within determined time.
Referring to cleaning and refuse collection in the streets, pavements, parks and yard areas it was instructed to carry out consistent work to exclude rubbish piling in undetermined places. Regarding the citywide clean-up announced for March 23 and 24 it was reported that all the preparations had been finished: separate groups with adjunct responsible persons have been formed according to administrative districts.
Preparation activities are also carried out in the direction of irrigation networks installation and landscaping as well as in the direction of proper organization of spring tree planting. It was instructed to involve the population and condominiums in the work and organize tree planting in yard areas as well.
The Mayor instructed to present precise schedule of fulfilling the program of improvement and landscaping in North Avenue.
Regarding external illumination of blocks of flats, monuments, bridges and rock sectors the head of "Yerqaghluys" CJSC reported that they regularly inventory and eliminate the defects existing in illumination network. It was noted that certain activities are being carried out to provide external illumination in Myasnikyan avenue, Saralanji road segment and rock segments of the Hrazdan gorge.

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