
Memorandum of Cooperation Between the RA National Assembly and the OSCE Office in Yerevan


On March 15 the President of the National Assembly Hovik Abrahamyan received the Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.
Hovik Abrahamyan has highly assessed the effective cooperation established between the RA National Assembly and the OSCE Office in Yerevan, noting that it is laid on firm bases and has given its positive results. Highly appreciating the activity of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Hovik Abrahamyan has noted that it is based on the principles of the OSCE, the enforcement of security and stability, the fulfillment of cooperation in the spheres of human rights, politics, law, freedom of press, ecology and economy. Touching upon the Memorandum of Cooperation between the RA National Assembly and OSCE Office in Yerevan, the President of the National Assembly has evaluated it as one more example of successful cooperation, which will give opportunity to strengthen the capabilities of the parliament. He has the support of the OSCE Office in Yerevan in the legislative reforms, expressing confidence that the cooperation between the RA National Assembly and OSCE Office in Yerevan will be continuous.
Thanking for reception Andrey Sorokin also highly assessed the OSCE-National Assembly efficient cooperation in different spheres and in this context highlighted the Memorandum of Cooperation. Mr Sorokin presented to the NA President a number of issues concerning further cooperation.
After the meeting at the Gilded Hall of the National Assembly in the presence of the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan, NA Vice Presidents, representatives of the NA Committees and factions the Chief of NA Staff Gurgen Dumanyan and the Ambassador Andrey Sorokin, the Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan signed a Memorandum of Understanding.

The National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia (hereinafter referred to as the National Assembly) from one side and the OSCE Office in Yerevan (hereinafter referred to as the “OSCE”) from the other side, jointly referred to as the Parties;

Sharing the common objective to introduce a new quality, dimension and scope to representative democracy in Armenia;

Mindful of the imperative to uphold, in their joint activities, human rights and fundamental freedoms, the rule of law, the principle of separation and balance of the legislative, executive and judicial powers , international treaties and agreements, including OSCE principles and commitments;

Having decided to contribute to the further democratization and strengthening of the activities of the National Assembly in Armenia;

To enhance its institutional, human and technical capacities and potential;

To support democratic decision-making based on transparent procedures and recognized international standards; and

To foster an effective system of governance that will support the affirmation of the supremacy of the rule of law,

Agreed on the following:

1. The Parties shall cooperate to improve the efficiency, transparency and inclusiveness of law-making processes based on the conduct of an independent needs-assessment and in line with its corresponding follow up recommendations.
2. The Parties shall work to enhance legislative transparency and access to information.

3. The Parties agree that inclusiveness is at the core of democratic lawmaking and shall elaborate institutional mechanisms that will strengthen participatory processes through enhanced civil society involvement in lawmaking.
4. The Parties shall cooperate to further improve the professional capacities, e.g. analytical, research and drafting skills, of the staff of the National Assembly through the provision of various training opportunities.
5. The Parties shall cooperate on the implementation of joint activities involving all three OSCE dimensions (politico-military, economic and environmental, and human dimension) in support of the affirmation of parliamentarianism and parliamentary democracy.
6. At the request or with the agreement of the National Assembly, the OSCE will facilitate provision of international expert opinions on draft laws and other relevant documents adopted by the National Assembly within the framework of its jurisdiction.
7. The OSCE will endeavour, to the extent feasible, to offer or facilitate provision of technical, educational, informational, logistical and other support, as needed, to the National Assembly, its bodies and staff.
8. The Parties shall endeavour to conclude agreements on specific projects.
9. The Parties shall, in cooperation with the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, work to develop and deepen collaboration and contacts between the National Assembly and/or its bodies, its staff and similar parliamentary structures and their staff in the OSCE region.
10. Where necessary, the OSCE will endeavour to the extent feasible to facilitate participation and/or involvement of all OSCE institutions in designing and/or implementing joint projects, activities and initiatives agreed with the National Assembly.
11. The Parties shall regularly share relevant information and published materials related to the object of this Memorandum of Co-operation ( hereinafter referred to as the “Memorandum” ).
12. Nothing in or relating to this Memorandum shall be deemed a waiver of any of the privileges and immunities enjoyed by the OSCE and/or its staff.
13. Any dispute between the Parties concerning the application and interpretation of the Memorandum shall be settled amicably and through consultations between the Parties.
14. Amendments and modifications to the Memorandum may be made by mutual agreement between the Parties and shall be stated in a separate Protocol. The Protocol shall enter into force in accordance with the procedure set forth for the enactment of the Memorandum and shall become an integral part of the Memorandum.
15. The present Memorandum shall enter into force upon signature by both Parties and remain in force during the term of the National Assembly of the fifth convocation.
16. Either Party may unilaterally terminate the Memorandum by giving not less than thirty (30) calendar days’ written notice.
17. Termination of the Memorandum shall not be reflected on the projects commenced during its validity unless the Parties agreed otherwise.
18. Done in the city of Yerevan on 15 March 2013, in two copies in the English and Armenian languages, all texts having equal validity. Each Party is given one copy in Armenian and English.
19. Should any discrepancies arise in the interpretation of the provisions of the Memorandum, the English version shall prevail.

For the National Assembly
of the Republic of Armenia:
Mr. Gurgen Dumanyan
Chief of Staff
National Assembly
Republic of Armenia
For the OSCE Office in Yerevan:
Ambassador Andrey Sorokin
Head of OSCE Office in Yerevan 

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