
The activities performed the previous year in the sphere of health care and the ones provided for 2013 have been presented


 The acting head of the Department of Health Care of the Municipality of Yerevan Kamsar Babinyan presented the activities performed in the sphere of health care in the capital in 2012 and the plans for 2013 during his meeting with the journalists.
It was mentioned that due to Yerevan development programs of 2012 the activities directed at preservation and restoration of building conditions in the medical establishments subordinated to the Municipality as well as at improvement of the external look of the buildings and repairing front doors had been fulfilled. In a number of medical establishments local heating systems have been installed.
By the initiative of the Department of Health yard areas’ improvement and signboard modernization have been performed in all the medical establishments subordinated to the Municipality.
By the initiative of Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan open days were organized for needy layer of population in all the polyclinics subordinated to the Municipality. From March 8th till April 7th 2012 on the event of Women’s month an action of free medical aid called "For you, women" was held. Within the frames of this action 12500 women applied to Municipality subordinated policlinics and 586 of them got in-patient treatment or were operated on. In the approach of the New Year, by the initiative of the Mayor free out-patient polyclinic and diagnostic medical aid was held within the frames of which complicated diagnostics and warrants to hospitals were given.
Taking into account the cardio-vascular morbidity and mortality rates another rehabilitation and intensive therapy division and a new laboratory were formed in "Nork Marash" medical center. Kamsar Babinyan stressed that this year the MC will be completed with liquid oxygen generator which will make it possible to produce oxygen for the company’s own needs. As a result the MC will have the possibility to make significant savings.
To make the entrance of the residents with disabilities more available the Municipality subordinated companies were equipped with wheelchair tracks for people with locomotor disabilities, medical rooms were provided for them on the first floors of polyclinics.
Referring to the programs for 2013 the acting head of the Department of Health Care said that the modernization of medical equipment will go on in medical establishments conforming them with new methods of treatment and the quality of service. "In 2013 for the first time it has been provided by the Yerevan Municipality budget to re-equip polyclinics including purchasing new equipment for electrocardiogram, ultrasonic scanning. It’s a large-scale program which will give the opportunity to raise the quality of service in polyclinics and provide proper laboratory and diagnostic service”, said Kamsar Babinyan.
High quality medical servicing of antenatal and post-natal care will stay at the focus of attention.

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