
NA Vice President Meets With The IPA CIS Long-Term Observation Group


On January 21 the Vice President of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov received the members of the IPA CIS Long-Term Observation Mission Group, who arrived in Armenia in order to monitor the procedure of the RA presidential elections.

Eduard Sharmazanov welcomed the observers, highlighting their mission. He assured that the Armenian authorities were resolutely inclined to hold fair and transparent elections, as the stability and progress of the country would be conditioned by the democratic elections of the President of the Republic. The NA Vice President also touched upon the problem of the candidates’ nomination, registration, the legality of the pre-election processes, the necessity of using the provisions designed by the Election Code, drawing the observers’ attention to the fact that during this pre-election period equal starting conditions were created.

Alexander Stoyanoglu, Coordinator of the IPA CIS Long-Term Observation Group, Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee of the Republic of Moldova on National Security, Defense and Public Order and the Secretary General of the IPA CIS Council Alexey Sergeev highly appreciated the democratic developments of Armenia during the last years. By their assessment, the reforms of the RA Electoral Code give a full opportunity to hold elections in accordance with international standards, and expressed conviction that the authorities would display sufficient political will to hold the RA presidential elections being scheduled on February 18 in accordance with the letter and spirit of the Code. They also assured that their assessments would be objective, which would be recorded in the final conclusion being designed after the elections.

The NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov expressed conviction that the progress and successes recorded in the parliamentary elections of Armenia would be strengthened in these presidential elections. 

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