Students of the YSU Faculty of Law in the National Assembly

On September 28 the Vice President of the National Assembly Eduard Sharmazanov met with the students of the Faculty of Law of Yerevan State University.
Welcoming the students’ visit to the parliament Eduard Sharmazanov invited them to free and direct talk, noting that the National Assembly as high representation body of the Republic of Armenia pays great attention to the work with youth.
“Youth is our present, not only the future. And the societies, which do not realize this, have sad future. We always have wish to discuss different legislative initiatives, the situation in the country, the most important political issues with our young colleagues,” the NA Vice President noted. He said that it had already been the fourth year that meetings are organized in the National Assembly with the students of different higher educational institutions, pupils of senior school, young representatives of NGOS.
The Adviser to NA President Sergey Lokyan, who was also taking part in the meeting, more thoroughly presented the work being carried out with youth to future lawyers. Talking also about the process of formation of the Youth Parliament, which had already started, the Adviser to NA President called on the youth to be active and try to be involved in those works.
Then the NA Vice President Eduard Sharmazanov answered the students’ different questions. They were particularly interested in the issues connected with educational places by state order in higher educational institutions, demand of different specialties. Eduard Sharmazanov urged the students of YSU Faculty of Law to walk in pace to time and be the generation, which will begin look at the issue of choice of profession in other way, will be guided by real demand, but not by “fashion.”
Upon the students’ request the NA Vice President also touched upon a number of issues concerning the inner political and foreign policy of Armenia, which were relating particularly to international recognition of the Republic of Nagorno Karabakh, Armenia-Artsakh inter-parliamentary relations, Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian actions, even the dream of seeing Eastern Armenia and Western Armenia united. And connected with the last issue Eduard Sharmazanov advised the youth never lose the dream, be consistent, as the NA Vice President was convinced that there are no walls that in case of big wish is not possible to destroy.