There are 76 decorated arch passages in the capital today

During the current working conference the Chief Designer of Yerevan reported that there are 76 decorated arch passages in the capital today 60 of which were decorated this year. In the arch passages corresponding marking prohibiting car parking has been fulfilled. Taron Margaryan instructed to submit propositions regarding all the arch passages where decoration is possible and to accomplish the program of decoration of the arch passages. Referring to the process of repairing porches of the blocks of flats being implemented due to joint program of the administrative districts and condominiums the head of the Communal Economy Department reported that 807 porches had already been repaired. It was also reported that some condominiums besides the provided program initiated additional repairing of porches. Since the previous week clean-ups aimed at sanitary cleaning of the capital has been started. It was reported that a schedule had been made up for the organization of yard areas clean-ups in the administrative districts. The Mayor instructed to involve condominiums in these activities.Taron Margaryan also instructed to set everyday control and finish in possibly short terms cleaning the walls of blocks of flats and columns from stuck advertisements and provide their proper look. In parallel certain activities are being carried out towards placement of notice boards in proper places. The control going on over ensuring washing of vehicle tires coming out from building sites as well as over preventing pollution of streets by concrete mixers and other vehicles entering Yerevan from surrounding provinces. The head of Urban Development and Land Control Department reported that administrative records had been drawn up regarding revealed violations of law. The construction of 7 new overground crossings is in process as well. The head of the Building and Improvement Department reported that simultaneous activities are carried out to replace the pavement of the crossings with asphalt cover to avoid extra inconveniences during freezing and thawing.It was reported that in parallel with repairing of and re-operating activities of drinking water fountains in the central streets, parks and gardens of the capital repairing of the non operating ones in yard areas is in process. A number of drinking fountains had already been re-operated and handed to the residents.Everyday control is going on as well over the quality of servicing of public transport means. During the previous two months a number of vehicles were withdrawn from the itineraries because of unsatisfactory sanitary conditions. The head of Transport Department reported that the competitions for Yerevan intra-urban bus and minibus regular transportation itineraries are in process as well. In the period of June-July 38 competitions took place and as a result 24 itineraries won.Referring to the problem of stray animals and the complaints and concerns raised by the residents the Mayor instructed to reinforce the 24-hour coordinated work and take all corresponding measures to ensure population security. The head of the division of Sport and Youth Affairs reported that on Sundays and Mondays sport and health improvement measures are arranged in the parks of the capital within the framework of which some sport contests had already been over