Taron Margaryan had a meeting with Charge d'affaires of Lebanon to the RA

Yerevan Mayor Taron Margaryan had a meeting with the Charge d’affairs of Lebanon to the Republic of Armenia Ara Khachaduryan. Congratulating our compatriot on his appointment to this important mission the Mayor expressed hope that the Armenian-Lebanese relations would be strengthened and the cooperation between Yerevan and Beirut would be expanded."Armenian-Lebanese relations have been traditionally on high level and Yerevan and Beirut has been sister cities for 12 years already. I think there are various spheres of mutual interest to activate bilateral cooperation. The Municipality of Yerevan is interested in activating ties with the Municipality of Beirut and implement experience exchange programs in the direction of infrastructures and tourism development", said the Mayor.
Presenting the complex program of proportional development of the capital Taron Margaryan stressed that the business environment formed in Yerevan is favourable for implementation of investment projects and the Municipality is willing to discuss mutually beneficial programs.Expressing gratitude for welcome Ara Khachaduryan highly appreciated the efforts of Mayor Taron Margaryan directed at improvement and development of the capital and noted that the changes and the caring treatment towards the city are obvious. The Charge d'affairs of Lebanon also expressed willingness to assist in implementation of joint projects.
Taron Margaryan in his turn said that the working team formed by the Municipalities of Yerevan and Beirut with the aim of cooperation expansion is discussing a number of proposals which in near future are to be turned into programs and realized.