
The underground public lavatory in Abovyan street is being reconstructed


Regarding the process of reconstruction of underground public lavatory at Abovyan 19 the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan instructed to stick corresponding signboard in the site where the process is going on and to take measures to aware the public on the process.
"We have carried out large-scale work in Abovyan street and now no overhauling construction is going on here Taking into account big pederstrian flows in Abovyan street we have initiated together with the owner reconstruction of the public lavatory which is to be finished as soon as possible", said the Mayor during the current working conference.Everyday control is going on over the service of public transport means. The head of Transport Department reported that 20 vehicles had been withdrawn from the itineraries because of improper sanitary conditions. Last week 2 competitions took place in which 11 itineraries participated. It was also reported that competitions for Yerevan intra-urban bus and mini-bus regular transportation itineraries are going on in parallel. It was reported that the technical task for installation of e-timetables in public transport stops had already been worked out and in the near future the pilot program will be launched. It was reported that the main part of the work provided by the program of administrative districts development for 2012 and the restoration of asphalt cover is already over. The Mayor once again instructed to set strict control over the quality and terms of the work.It was reported that with the aim of bus stop belts restoration and street marking after finishing asphalting activities the list of the streets to be marked is immediately given to corresponding structures to fulfill the mentioned activities. It was instructed to arrange marking in possibly short terms so that safe traffic was ensured both for drivers and pedestrians. Referring to the measures taken by the administrative district towards elimination of water accumulations caused by rains in the presented areas it was reported that appropriate work is being carried out in the direction of current reconstruction of drainage systems. By means of sanitary cleaning companies storm water inlets and rain trap systems and drainage systems have been cleaned, new areas have been separated where there are no drainage systems and which require investments. The head of Communal Economy Department reported that within the framework of reconstruction of porches of blocks of flats undertaken by the joint program of the administrative districts and condominiums 752 porches had already been repaired. The activities in the other porches included in the program will be finished by September. By the instruction of Mayor Taron Margaryan appropriate measures have been taken and at present the activities of cleaning, painting and bringing to proper sanitary conditions of buildings,distributing stations, gas and water pipelines are going on.Regarding installation of Wi-Fi systems in parks, gardens and metro area the head of the "Center for management technologies of Yerevan" CJSC reported that the placement map has already been worked out and after discussing with operator the installation activities will be started. Regarding elimination of the defects in decorative lighting network it was reported that the existing defects had been eliminated and negotiations are being carried out with perspective investors with the aim of arrangement a new system of illumination.
Activities are going on towards restoration of non functioning by subjected to restoration fountains and drinking water fountains.


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