RA Leadership Visits Sardarapat Battle Memorial Complex

On the 94th anniversary of the Republic Day and Sardarapat Battle on May 28 RA President Serzh Sargsyan, His Holiness Karekin II, the Supreme Patriarch Catholicos of All Armenians, National Assembly Speaker Samvel Nikoyan, other high ranking officials, deputies, military, clergymen, diplomats accredited in the RA visited Sardarapat Battle Memorial Complex and laid wreaths and flowers at the memorial immortalizing the memory of the Sardarapat Battle heroes.
The anthem of the Republic of Armenia sounded, and the Supreme Patriarch offered a Repose of Souls service.
On the Republic Day the higher leadership of the country took part in the people’s festivity and the concert organized, watched the exhibits telling about the heroic battle, got familiarized with the documents in the National Museum of the Armenian Ethnography and Liberation Movement History of Sardarapat Battle Memorial Complex.