The address of the Mayor of Yerevan Taron Margaryan on the event of the Last School Bell
Dear school-leavers
Today the Last Bell ringing in your native educational establishments is a special occasion to summarize your kind memories inside school walls. I am sure that these memories about clear and warm school environment, dear teachers and schoolmates will accompany you all your life. And though the Last Bell symbolizes farewell it is also a symbol of a new beginning, new perspectives and horizons and a high feeling of responsibility to all these which will be expressed in your further decisions. Always remember when choosing your future profession that you are the heirs of the victories and achievements of the older generation and you should go on the important mission of development and strengthening of our country. I am confident that you will keep and pass a new quality to the values that passing through centuries were handed to you due to your parents and your teachers with a faith to see these values enriched. We, the order generation, admire you, are encouraged by you and are sure that kindness, creative strength and the will to overcome hardships will be used by you for the welfare of our city and our country.
Congratulating you on one of the most significant events of your life, on leaving school I would like you to remember that we first of all owe our knowledge, true lessons of life, big and small success to our teachers: I address my gratitude and deep respect to them for their patriotic work.
I also congratulate your parents and hope that you will make all their dreams connected with you come true.
I wish you to start your adult life with your heads up and proud. Be proud of being a citizen of the Republic of Armenia, of being an Armenian, of being a resident of Yerevan and always keep it with honour.
My young friends, I wish a happy journey to you, a lot of success and achievements in your life!