Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter of condolences on the demise of the renowned state figure Stepan Poghossian

President Serzh Sargsyan sent today a letter of condolences on the demise of the renowned state figure, scientist Stepan Poghossian. The letter addressed to the Poghossian family states:
“I learned with profound pain news on the demise of the renowned state figure and great patriot Stepan Poghossian.
Stepan Poghossian’s efforts and contribution to the development and national orientation of the Armenian television are immense.
His input as a historian to the research on the Armenian Genocide and Armenian national and liberation struggle is remarkable.
The loss of this outstanding intellectual is our common loss.
I express my deep condolences to the family and friends on the demise of Stepan Poghossian – a principled citizen and scientist.”