
The 100th issue of “The Republican”


Since March 2003 “The Republican” magazine has been published for 100 times by now. It is actually the ideological successor of “The Republican” periodical, which was first published in 1990-ies.
There are few cases in the entire history of our press when party’s official political publication would reflect ideas beyond politics and would be able of winning popularity among wide circle of readers with neutral or different political views. This is mainly due to the privilege of topics featured in the magazine. If we try to summarize the spirit of articles published in the magazine, it becomes quite evident that the top priority is given to ideological articles, which reflect both the views of representatives of Armenian social-ideological mind, such as Garegin Nzhdeh and Hayk Asatryan, and also world theories and understandings of nationalism and conservatism. In fact, this is an attempt to compare the Armenian and international socio-ideological mindsets and to drive parallels between them, as well as to highlight the features of Armenian national-conservative ideology.
The next important category of articles published in the magazine features the analysis of geopolitical and regional events, among which the most distinguished publications apply to Iran, Turkey and the Arab Islamic world.
In the Armenian reality “The Republican” was first to study the issues of foreign-language and heterodox Armenians, evoking scientific and public interest to this to some extend “lost” stratum of the Armenian people. It is also worse mentioning another valuable feature of the magazine. Almost every issue introduces its readers the translation of articles and interviews that give a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the analyzes and forecasts of experts from the world expert and analytical centers, as well as the judgments and views of representatives of social and political thought, such as Henry Kissinger, Z. Brzezinski, S. Karaganov, J. Vedrine, and others.
The cover of the magazine also has an educational and informative value. It depicts pictures of Armenian historical and architectural monuments, as well as miraculous masterpieces of Armenian nature that are often unfamiliar to the Armenian reader.
Since its inception, "The Republican" has been working in close cooperation with Armenian academic institutions and think tanks, especially with "Noravank" scientific and educational foundation. The magazine has been also collaborating with the scientific community of Diaspora.
Due to its publications “The Republican” managed to gain popularity among a certain range of Armenian scientific and analytical minds over the years and to develop the Armenian public political thinking to a qualitatively new level.
Thus, we congratulate “The Republican” magazine, its editor RPA Deputy Chairman Mushegh Lalayan, its readers and everybody who is somehow connected with the publication of the 100th anniversary issue of the magazine.
From the history we know the essential role that press can play in people’s lives. We are convinced that decades later, when evaluating the Armenian social political and ideological thought of the early 21st century and the role of press in it, the important and irreplaceable value of “The Republican” will definitely be mentioned.  

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