RA NA Speaker Meets the UAE Speaker of the Federal National Council

According to preliminary agreement, after taking part in the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth Independent States, which was held in Almaty on its return to Yerevan through the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the delegation led by the RA National Assembly Speaker had a meeting with Mohammad Ahmad Al Murr, UAE Speaker of the Federal National Council on March 29.
Welcoming the RA NA Speaker’s visit the UAE Speaker of the Federal National Council expressed hope that it would have its contribution in the further development of bilateral inter-parliamentary relations. Expressing his gratitude for warm reception Mr Nikoyan has noted that Armenia gives big importance to the further development and deepening of relations with the Arab Gulf states and highly appreciates the UAE balanced foreign policy towards regional and international problems.
Both sides expressed satisfaction in connection with the level of the existing relations between the two countries, underlined the need of rapprochement and undertaking steps directed to further deepening of inter-parliamentary relations. The RA NA Speaker has highlighted the activity of the Inter-parliamentary Friendship Groups, noting that a RA-UAE Friendship Group has been already developed in Armenia. In response to that the UAE Speaker of the Federal National Council ensured that in the UAE Federal National Council similar Friendship Group with Armenia would also be set up in future. Mohammad Ahmad Al Murr also stressed the importance of organization of mutual visits and meetings within the inter-parliamentary framework, which would promote the further deepening of inter-state relations.
The stimulation of further cooperation in trade-economic and tourism spheres has been especially emphasized, which is an important factor in activation of contacts between the peoples and reinforcement of mutual trust.
The RA NA Speaker also presented the projects of regional importance and expressed hope that the United Arab Emirates would take part in the implementation of the programmes, especially thanks to them the Gulf regional states would have the shortest way to the Black Sea and Europe.
Mr Nikoyan also briefly presented the current level of the Armenian-Turkish relations, the position of the Armenian side on the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and touched upon other problems.