Today the Third President of the Republic of Armenia, the Hero of Artsakh Serzh Sargsyan celebrates his 70th birth anniversary

Today the Third President of the Republic of Armenia, the Hero of Artsakh Serzh Sargsyan celebrates his 70th birth anniversary.
Dear Mr. President, I congratulate you and send you my best wishes on the occasion of this jubilee.
Even though today, for well-known reasons, the mood is not very festive and we treat this day as just another ordinary day, nevertheless a jubilee for any person is a milestone which makes us glance back, re-living each day, re-considering, and –re-reckoning what has been done and what has not been done.
And in your thoughts you undoubtedly review the episods of your friends’ and your own struggle carried out for Artsakh and for Armenia. On one occasion you said that those years where the most difficult, the most demanding but also the worthiest years of your life.
And certainly, in your mind you are stand together with your friends - the policital prisoners and prisoners of war held in the jails of Yerevan and Baku, as many of our compatriots.
You probably recall also the achievements of the two Armenian states that became possible through your hard work as well as our wasted and crushed by the defectors national values and painful loses.
After all this, you still continue your struggle, stating that one cannot be hurt by Fatherland, one cannot be hurt by one’s own people even if unappreciated. You said that you would never leave the trenches of the defenders of the Armenian statehood.
May God bless you with great health, unbound energy, tenacity and vigor, so that together with your supporters and followers you fulfill successfully your mission.