Address of the Third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan on the occasion of Republic Day

The heroes of Sardarapat in a deadly fight against the Turk hordes carried out unbelievable deeds regardless of all those cowards who implored to submit to the Turkish invaders, put down the arms and establish peace at any price, accepting humiliating demands of the Turks.
Weak and feeble were present also at the government of the time and among the highest military command. The heroes of Sardarapat chose to fight even if at a small part of the ravaged Fatherland for a free and dignified life. They proved that freedom-loving spirit is undefeatable.
Eternal glory to all those heroes who created May 28, to the victorious Armenian soldiers, commanders and military figures, the clergy and many of those blessed who chose honor over submission.
Many of Sardarapat heroes didn't fall at the battlefield where they fought the enemy, but were betrayed in their own Fatherland, were dishonored, banished and shot by the hands of their own countrymen, by those whom they had saved from the Turkish carnages. This is a shameful and bitter page of our history.
Heroic battles of May 1918 is about the victory of the Armenian nation's worthy sons who had great national consciousness, historical responsibility and dignity; biographies of many of the heroes of Sardarapat are about their steadfast courage, honor, but also about their tragic death.
The battle of Sardarapat was a watershed between the selfless heroes and cowardly traitors. All nations, at all times face such a choice.
Today too, the moment for a decisive choice has come. Where are each and every one of us?