“I rely also on the coming generation to keep the flame of patriotism constantly burning” Serzh Sargsyan

Last night the Third President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan hosted a group of students from the 12 grade of the AYB school and their teacher. They asked the President to provide information and interesting details within the scope of their interests on the Artsakh related negotiations.
The students informed that this year the topic for the annual paper on history in their school was related to the challenges facing the Third Republic and in this context the negotiations on Artsakh were of critical importance. To understand them fully, they initiated this meeting with President Sargsyan.
At the conclusion of the meeting, Serzh Sargsyan with great pleasure gave the students as a gift the first copies of the At the Frontline of Negotiations book which was published recently and is dedicated to the Artsakh conflict negotiations. He expressed hope that the book would allow to get a right impression on the conflict settlement process.
Together with his senior friends, present at the meeting was also Serzh junior.