Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter of condolences on the demise of the distinguished art worker, author, and public figure Alvard Petrossian

The third President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan sent a letter of condolences on the demise of the distinguished art worker, author, and public figure Alvard Petrossian.
“I learned the news on the demise of Alvard Petrossian with deep sorrow. We lost a unique personality of the contemporary Armenian literature, who throughout her life never deviated from being an honest and truthful intellectual and until the very end lived with the boundless love for our people and country, and followed with pain in her heart the tragic events unfolding in recent years around her beloved Armenia and Artsakh. Alvard took with her precious memories of an entire era of our people’s struggle, glorious victories, and bitter defeats. Very often, they were the topics of her essays and interviews.
Alvard Petrossian’s public and political activities too, became an endless struggle for truthful, beautiful, and honest against deplorable, vulgar undertakings and those who exhibited them.
In the memory of her contemporaries, Alvard Petrossian will remain an intellectual of great human qualities and decent posture, truthful and honest, while the future generations will know her as a great author, a public and political figure who lived by the Fatherland’s worries and troubles, a tireless and unbiased chronicler.
I express my deepest condolences to the family and friends of the great intellectual, to her colleagues and readers.
Rest in peace, my dear friend. Let your honest spirit glide now in lights,” the letter of condolences of President Serzh Sargsyan reads.